Introduction - longer format

K. Carmichael



Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Dear [NAMES],

I am [NAME], professor of [DEPARTMENT] at Northwestern University.  Together with [CO-INSTRUCTOR], I am teaching Section xx of Engineering, Design, and Communication. 

First, I want to thank you in advance for all your work with our EDC teams this quarter and to ask that you please call or e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the progress of your project.

[CO-INSTRUCTOR] and I will be introducing your project—[TITLE]—to our teams this week.  Please let me know if there are any details in addition to those included in your project description that you’d like us to share with our students.  Photos / descriptions of the [current device] would also be welcome.

In addition, I would like you provide you with a short overview of key dates for the quarter:

--First meeting with team:  [DATE RANGE FROM SYLLABUS]

--User observations:  [DATE RANGE FROM SYLLABUS]


--Poster fair / Final presentation:  [DATE]

If you would like to suggest a time for these meetings—or if you have any conflicts with this schedule—please let me know and we will make other arrangements.

Once again, thank you for working with us.  We look forward to meeting you the week of the [DATE].

Best regards,