Teaching writing - advice for instructors
This folder includes general advice for teaching writing in a writing class or a course in any discipline.
Best practices for teaching writing (Fenrich, Weinburg Freshman Dean)
Based on his experience in coordinating the FS program, Lane Fenrich offers the following advice as best practices for teaching writing in freshman seminars.
Tips for teaching writing (B. Shwom, Writing Program)
This advice for freshman seminar instructors comes from Barbara Shwom, the Director of NU's Writing Place.
Helping students become better readers (Freshman Seminar Faculty Discussion, 2008)
Everyone agrees that it’s impossible to write clearly about material you’ve read if you can’t read it completely and accurately first. Thus, helping students learn to read critically and accurately is a first step in helping them become better writers.
Use of class time: Improving class discussions (pdf)
This paper, published by the Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development at Kansas State University, offers advice for conducting class discussions.
Lessons learned memo (R. Gordon, Economics)
In my seminar students learn not just from my comments on their own paper. They learn from my memo about ALL the papers. Thus problems encountered in one student's paper can be conveyed (anonymously of course) to the other students, and this then becomes the point of departure for their second paper. I write "Lessons Learned" memoes for the first three graded (short, 1200-1500 word, papers).