Conference prep form (J. Herrick)

In preparation for each writing conference, I have students fill out and bring a version of this form. These conferences are held after their peers have given them feedback and before they begin revising for their final submission. Students also submit these forms along with their final drafts, as the quality of their conference preparation is figured into their class participation for the course. I have found this helps me open the discussion about the student's writing and helps the students develop their ability to evaluate and improve their own writing.

Contributor: Jeanne Weiland Herrick, Writing Program,

Insider Essay --  
Conference Preparation

What three things do you think are working well for you in this draft?

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

What three things do you think need improvement, and why?

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

What ideas do you have to do to improve these areas?

What three questions do you have for me regarding this draft?

1.    _____________________________________________

2.    ________________________________________________

3.    ___________________________________________________

Is there any else you’d like to discuss about this draft?